The BRS Secretariat has its origins from the omnibus decision taken in 2013 (BC.Ex-2/1, RC.Ex-2/1 and SC.Ex-2/1), when the conferences of the parties to the three legally autonomous conventions agreed to the matrix-based management approach and organization of the secretariats of the Basel and Stockholm conventions and the UN Environment Programme (UN Environment)-part of the Secretariat of the Rotterdam convention.
The need for the BRS Secretariat to increase its support to Parties, strengthen regional centres and address the sound management of hazardous chemicals and wastes within its mandate has been further highlighted by subsequent COPs.
The adoption, by the UN General Assembly, of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 (seventeen) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which address poverty, hunger, inequality, climate change and sustainable consumption and production have direct relevance to the BRS Secretariat’s important work on chemicals and waste management.
Mindful of UN fundamental values, ethics and applicable UN rules and regulations[1], the secretariat, when implementing the programme of work of three conventions, seeks to maintain a strong client focus, and to carry out our functions in a synergistic and cost-effective manner. We continue to aspire to respond more effectively to Parties’ needs and expectations, through innovations and highly specialized expertise, whilst ensuring inclusivity, equal participation of all Parties, accountability and transparency in our daily work, focusing on the protection of human health and the environment – in line with the respective decisions of each of the Conferences of the Parties for each Convention (COPs).
To deliver on our mandate, we shall work within a matrix-based organisation that shall promote teamwork and professionalism, respect, communication, gender and regional balance, integrity and trust-building.
- COPs Decisions;
- BRS Secretariat Workplans;
- Resource Mobilization Strategy;
- Communications Strategy;
- Technical Assistance Programme.
The BRS Secretariat is recognised as the lead and respected partner, on the global MEA governance and within the UN system, of the sound management of hazardous chemicals and wastes, in view of protecting human health and the environment from the adverse effects of hazardous chemicals and wastes, at the global, regional and national level.
Mission Statements
The mission of the BRS Secretariat is to:
While actively working towards the effective protection of the environment and human health, through the effective and sound management of hazardous chemicals and wastes, we strive to:
Enhance our work with Parties and all relevant stakeholders to bring about implementation of the conventions and synergies at the global, regional and national levels;
Continue to deliver efficient, cost-effective and synergistic services to Parties, including technical assistance, scientific support, legal, administration and financial resources oversight services, governance activities, conference and information services;
Further develop and implement a resource mobilization strategy to facilitate national implementation of the conventions, in particular by developing country-Parties, Parties that are countries with economies in transition and small island developing states;
Enlarge and strengthen cooperation with all relevant stakeholders, including with international bodies and the private sector, notably through partnerships and an effective network of regional centres;
Create further awareness to place the sound management of chemicals and waste among the issues to prioritize in order to effectively protect human health and the environment, within the context of the global development agenda, notably to achieve the SDGs through a pollution-free planet.
Broad Strategic Goals
In decisions BC-16/28, RC-11/15, SC-11/27, the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions adopted the programmes of work for the biennium 2024-2025. The Secretariat developed workplans for the implementation of the decisions taken at the 2023 COPs meetings.