A wide range of information sources is considered, including information from previous programmes of work; feedback on the guidance on technical assistance under the Stockholm Convention; Parties’ responses to needs assessment questionnaires for each Convention; the individual requests by and formal correspondence with Parties, including import responses forms; national action plans under the Rotterdam Convention, national implementation plans under the Stockholm Convention, conclusions and recommendations from the effectiveness evaluation committee of the Stockholm Convention and from the review of the synergies arrangements; requests included in decisions of the conferences of the Parties and their subsidiary bodies; feedback from intersessional processes under the Conventions and needs identified through the Secretariat’s face-to-face and online activities, meetings and projects.
Priority Areas Identification
The identification of priorities by Parties is a challenging and important aspect of the needs assessment process. The priorities selected may be Convention specific or may cover elements of a national chemicals management system in general. In selecting an appropriate approach for priority setting, Parties with strong chemicals management infrastructures may consider focusing on specific chemicals or groups of chemicals causing concern. However, Parties with weak infrastructures may consider it more important to focus on developing the infrastructure elements of the national chemical and wastes management system.
You can access the needs assessment dashboards by Convention with collected information visualized in different graphs from the 2020 questionnaires and comparisons with the results from the questionnaires in 2014 and 2016 by clicking on the icons below. The results from the 2024 questionnaires will be displayed together with the data from previous years on this webpage once available.
The results of the 2016 technical assistance needs assessments can be accessed below.
Information Collection
The assessment of the technical assistance needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition and the technical assistance available from developed countries and others, is performed in four-year intervals. The recent assessment was developed in follow-up to decisions BC-16/17, RC-11/6 and SC-11/13, adopted by the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions in 2023.
The results of these assessments are taken into account by the Secretariat in the development of the technical assistance plan for the period 2026-2030 in order to better respond to the needs of developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition, also taking into account the technical assistance available from developed country Parties and others.