Highlights: The CRC-POPRC joint workshop is organized by the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions with the financial support of the European Union and the Government of Germany and in cooperation with RECETOX as the Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in the Czech Republic.
Organizer: Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS)
Meeting objectives: The Chemical Review Committee (CRC) and the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee (POPRC) are the scientific subsidiary bodies of the Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, respectively, and play a central role in the process of listing new chemicals and advancing the technical work under the conventions. Both committees follow several processes and policies in reviewing chemicals for listing under the conventions.
The processes for review and listing new chemicals are quite complex and the national coordination to collect information is not a simple task. Since the committees rely heavily on the information and comments provided by Parties and observers, it is essential that they have good understanding on how they can contribute/participate in the process and aware of chemicals under review.
The objectives of workshop are to:
Target audience: Official contact points, national focal points, designated national authorities, members of the Chemical Review Committee and the POPs Review Committee from the Central and Eastern European Region.
For questions regarding the workshop, please contact Kei Ohno Woodall (kei.ohno-woodall@brsmeas.org).