The e-leaning module for law enforcement officers on hazardous chemicals and wastes under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions is divided in seven chapters.
Chapter 1 (Arabic, English, French, Spanish), entitled About the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, provides information about the objectives of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions and the substances regulated by them. It also explains how these three conventions work together towards improving the management of hazardous chemicals and wastes in order to protect human health and the environment.
Chapter 2 (Arabic, English, French, Spanish), entitled Import and export procedures, focuses on the procedures that need to be followed for the import, transit and export of the hazardous chemicals and wastes covered by the conventions.
Chapter 3 (Arabic, English, French, Spanish), entitled Control, focuses on smuggling and screening methods. This chapter presents the main steps to undertake a risk assessment, to develop risk indicators and to perform administrative and physical checks.
Chapter 4 (Arabic, English, French, Spanish), entitled Identification, classification and safety issues, focuses on the identification of hazardous chemicals and wastes. Visual screening and sampling is be discussed as well as the use of codes and trade names during the identification process. Special attention is paid to the safety of the officers whilst performing visual screening.
Chapter 5 (Arabic, English, French, Spanish), entitled Dealing with suspicious or illegal trade/traffic, sets out the steps that may be taken in case an enforcement officer comes across a possible illegal shipment of hazardous chemicals or wastes. Such steps include detaining the load, storing it and gathering evidence, as well as further steps such as the take back of illegal shipments of hazardous wastes.
Chapter 6 (Arabic, English, French, Spanish), entitled Cooperation, demonstrates the benefits of national and international cooperation in tackling illegal trade in hazardous chemicals and wastes. The chapter deals with the various ways inter-agency cooperation can be promoted at the national level and international levels.
Chapter 7 (Arabic, English, French, Spanish), entitled Final assessment, provides an opportunity for the user to text its knowledge through a series of questions and exercises.
Would you have any requests related to this tool, kindly contact:
Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions
Technical Assistance Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
11-13, Chemin des Anémones
1219 Châtelaine (GE)
Fax: +41 (0)22 917 8098